Monday, September 22, 2008

Time to blow this joint!

In two weeks' time, neither I nor my former blogging buddy will be in Madrid. He's found a great job opportunity in another country (more on that later -- it's an EFL teaching job), and I've decided to go back home. I've had a real love-hate relationship with Spain over the past few years (or should I say, I love Spain as a whole but really hate living in Madrid). Why, you may ask? Well, hopefully that will all be made clear(er) in the string of somewhat random posts that I'll be making as we lead up to my departure from Spain. (Not that my posts weren't random in the past...)


Takahiwai said...

It's the end of an era! Your very useful blog has been a mine of information, and will be sorely missed by your faithful readers, myself included. Ultreia!

musica said...

Thanks, Barbara! I'll miss blogging on here, but I'm sure I'll resurface again somewhere...

Hey, maybe the world needs a blog on ESL in your neck of the woods... I'm sure it would be quite the read!